Hence, the skillful fighter puts himself / herself into a position which makes defeat impossible, and does not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.
God made MAN, to be like Him.(When I write 'MAN' I am also referring also to women, because The Lord God made Male and Female and called them 'MAN')
This means that you are to enjoy PERFECT FREEDOM IN CHRIST.
We humans have conquered. As you already know, evil (or people who follow the evil way),
HAVE NO HOPE - OF VICTORY. For people who follow the evil path always destroy themselves.
Evil always loses, time after time after time. Now that you know this, and that you have already won, what will then be judged is how you waged war.
Thus, it is that in war, the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.
So, how does one wage war?
I point to only one book, so you can get a start on freeing your mind.
It is The Book of Proverbs in the bible.
This book will fire up your mind. Not to some small 'campfire', or even 'forest fire' size.
Then, you will use your new found wisdom to cut the ignorance of this world to pieces, for your mind will then wake up from its slumber.
One of the reasons for this, is to raise your watchfulness of your environment.
An exercise to train your memory is to recall your day - in as much detail as possible.
Sample Test: 1. How much of your day can you recall? 2. How many people were standing in line in front of you at the grocery store? 3. How much were your groceries? 4. How much change did you receive in return? 5. What were the makes and models of the two cars parked beside you?
This is one of the first things the system tries to kill off.
Understand that THOUGHTS = THINGS.
This exercise is vital for your internal work, once you begin to use it, you will understand why.
Make your mind create anything through the use of your imagination.
With a bit of patience, you will come to realize that everything is possible.
A few techniques in training your imagination are: 1. Read a book and mentally see every scene described. 2. Pick your favorite movie or TV show and 'watch' it with your eyes closed! This will help to not only sharpen your hearing, but because it is one of your favorite movies or TV shows, you can easily 'create' an environment or scene for the characters.
Know The Creator via contemplation of Nature and the creatures.
Make some quiet time, where you can spend it in contemplation.
This exercise will help to quiet down your mind.
Learn to FEEL things - you can do it.
1. Attention.
2. Contemplation.
3. Abstraction.
4. Activity in repose.
These result in:
1. Usefulness.
2. Skill, Ability, Talent.
3. Originality and Genius.
4. Mastery and Power.
Understand, the perfection of concentration is POWER.
This will help you to better know yourself, and understand each day.
When you feel inspired, write it down - BEFORE YOU FORGET IT!
Then, review what you have written days later - YOU WILL BE AMAZED.
REMEMBER: Keep this Dream/Thought Journal private!
I recommend TAI CHI.
1. There is no physical aggression [ fighting / sparring ] in TAI CHI.
2. TAI CHI is 100 % internal training.
3. TAI CHI is the most powerful form of the martial arts.
(Don't be fooled by its 'slow' movements!)
Further, acquire video tapes and train yourself.
Always keep this phrase in mind: 'As Above --- So Below'. (What happens in Heaven, happens on Earth)
As you are working hard down here on earth, your spirit is also training with you - in heaven.
It is like you are living two lives.
All these exercises, take time, so you must learn to be patient, for you are learning to train your mind and your mind is greater than you thought possible.
As you will soon find out:
The Coward's weapon (A GUN - or any type of firearm) is meaningless.
As your mind strengthens, you will understand that strength and speed has NOTHING to do with muscles.
What you read may sound like the movie 'The Matrix', but compared to what YOU can do in Heaven, the guys in The Matrix LOOK LIKE THEY ARE IN FIRST GRADE!!!!!