FACT: Here is wisdom. This calls for skill; let anyone who has intelligence work out the number of the beast, for the number represents a man's name, and his number is 666. - Revelation 13:18
For anything to be incarnated on the physical plane, the environment has to meet 'certain conditions', so that the being that is to be incarnated, will be able to survive in its new environment.
Also remember : 'like above, so below' OR [ what happens in Heaven MIRRORS on Earth ].
We human beings operate simultaneously on the earth plane AND on the spiritual plane.
For any type of evil to be able to endure the earth plane, human suffering has to be present.
( This is why evil cannot stand the righteous, for it cannot withstand the light emanating from righteous men and women) .
Human suffering has escalated exponentially within the last century, here are a few examples:
1. The Abomination that causes desolation has been set up. This is none other than BANKS and any type of money lending institution . Banks and money lending institutions have infested our planet, causing despair and misery, by forcing worthless paper currency (NOT EVEN BACKED BY GOLD!!!!!) to be 'accepted' by people. Another example of desolation caused by these organizations is the devaluing of paper money, which causes nations to fall into debt. This 'debt' is the weapon of choice for these organizations, for debt causes fear. Any type of fear, in any form, WEAKENS your spirit. Further, THE TRUE NATURE OF MONEY IS NOT WEALTH. THE TRUE NATURE OF MONEY IS DEBT. You go to 'vote' but the people you put into your governments ARE NOT THE ONES IN CONTROL. But the bankers THAT CONTROL THE CURRENCY OF YOUR COUNTRY - that SEEK TO CONTROL YOU AND YOUR NATIONS. 2. These banks gave birth to For-Profit Corporations. For-Profit Corporations have effectively enslaved the whole human race. Turning human beings into slave labor, to drive soulless machines called 'companies', which are in turn fueled by greed and hatred. 3. People do not realize that they are slaves, because their spirits are not fed. Organized religions have yoked down the human spirit with pre-packaged religion. Where people are made to swallow spirituality in '40 minute - per Sunday pills'. Once swallowed, it is easily forgotten. This leads to brother fighting brother, making the love between humans grow cold. 4. When a For-Profit Corporation pays you money for 'your time', what it is really doing is buying your life, not 'paying for your time'. This means, a person is exchanging their LIFE ( their time on this earth ) for worthless paper. If you do not already know, YOU ALREADY HAVE INFINITE WEALTH INSIDE YOU. WAKE UP TODAY AND REALIZE THIS TRUTH. 5. Two World Wars. For Americans, also, a civil war and the Vietnam war etc.- ALL THESE WARS WERE TRAGEDIES. WHY? Because a war is judged by the peace it brings, that is: the justice it delivers, but if it does not make things better, then it is a complete tragedy. Humanity has to realize that these wars were intentionally caused and manipulated so that fortunes could be made by greedy human beings, their For-Profit Corporations and their Banks. 6. Holidays are created to give your spirit a temporary boost, but after the holidays, its back to the same old thing, over and over and over again. This is called an infinite loop, where your spirit never progresses. 7. The Educational System is here to train the spirits of humans to make them into little money making machines for, For-Profit Corporations. Think about this. The educational system is just a way to SYSTEMIZE THOUGHT, that is, to get everyone thinking alike and in any society where every one thinks alike, not much thinking get done. When you go through the educational system, your mind comes out fragmented. With 'just enough' bits and pieces of information pumped into it. This strategy is to keep your mind barely alive so that it may be able to 'work' in 'labor camps', now called 'offices'. The educational system is made to be very expensive, so you will fall into DEBT. This gives you NO CHOICE BUT TO MAKE YOURSELF A SLAVE. So, you could pay your debts acquired while in school. You are made to think that corporations are doing you the favor by hiring you; when, in fact, a For-Profit Corporation just absorbs your mind into itself. If you are a student in Chemistry, you never get a chance to dive into Biology, Physics, Art, or Music. For if you do, you get to see the Grand Design. How EVERYTHING is tied together in such a beautiful way, that it makes you fall to your knees numb with AWE. Understand that, TRUE KNOWLEDGE IS EARNED and most of that work is done WITHIN. 8. Computers and Electronic devices have barricaded the minds of humans. For a computer is THE HIGHEST FORM OF RESTRICTION. A machine does what it is told to do, it does not and cannot 'think' or create an original thought or idea. Ask yourself, has your life or your office-life been made ANY EASIER with the addition of this type of haughty technology? Understand, that this type of primitive technology is for the benefit of For-Profit Corporations. So you are made to work 10 TIMES HARDER (and it increases every 3 months now). So that 'productivity' is kept up. So many people weave their lives around lifeless machines, be it a computer, a cell phone, a television, etc. Once these machines break down, people cease to think, everything comes to a screeching halt. The minute you allow a machine to think for you, that machine takes over your reality. 9. Machines have automated everything, so it turns a human being into a consumer. This makes our children grow up overweight and under educated spiritually. Our children grow up thinking 'There is nothing to live for', because they are taught that the only reality is what they 'see' with their physical eyes, this leads them to express themselves through increasing acts of senseless violence. 10. It is time for humanity to realize, where all this is leading to. It is for all these For-Profit Corporations, banks and money lending institutions TO MERGE INTO ONE SINGLE GIANT ENTITY. SO YOU WILL NO LONGER HAVE ANY CHOICE AND THEY WOULD HAVE ACHIEVED ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. Understand, also, that there IS a way to FIGHT BACK and it is done WITHIN - This is known as THE BLOODLESS WAR or The Way of Spiritual Warfare.
So, who is The Beast?
How can a nation elect an actor to be its president?
Look beyond the obvious.